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America's Foreclosures - By the numbers

Writer's picture: keepourvetshousedkeepourvetshoused

I despise having to read through the various articles and fluffy publishing's on Veteran Foreclosures. Not just because I know beyond all doubt having just endured living in the foreclosure hell hole for the past 8 years, but more so because with the veteran population making up such a small part of the overall population, you would think providing the necessary resources and programs to give back to helping to them just as they did our country, would be an easy no brainer. Except its not.

While I am outright stating that these numbers are off for a variety of reasons, the fact is, VA foreclosures and really all FHA loans are increasing in delinquency and foreclosures. Lets look at it! In the month of November, these are the top 25 states with the highest number of foreclosures in the country. Keep in mind that again these number are off (higher or lower) today for a variety of reasons, including that most of the reported stats, are for the month of October unless otherwise stated. i'll discuss after...

Of all the states in the United States, California had the most foreclosures, recording over 4030 foreclosure filings. We should note, on a more positive level, that Vermont held the least number of foreclosures on record with just 4 foreclosure filings.

Here are the foreclosures by state, listed in order from the most foreclosures to least..

  1. Delaware. One in every 2432 homes going into foreclosure. 445,104 housing units, 183 foreclosures filed.

  2. Ohio. One in every 2492 homes going into foreclosure. 5,232,733 housing units and a total of 2100 foreclosures on file.

  3. New Jersey. One in every 2550 homes going into foreclosure, NJ has 3,738, 342 housing units and a total of 1466 foreclosures filed.

  4. Maryland. Rated the 4th highest in foreclosures for the third month in row, MD has 2,516, 341 housing units of which 981 went into foreclosure.

  5. South Carolina. One in every 2569 homes going into foreclosures, SC has 2,325,248 housing units and 905 went into foreclosure.

  6. Nevada. One in every 2816 homes going into foreclosure, Nevada boasts 1, 269, 846 housing units with 451 homes going into foreclosure.

  7. Indiana. One in every 2819 homes going into foreclosure, Indiana bas 2,911,562 housing units, with 1033 going into foreclosure.

  8. Illinois. Of the 5,412, 995 houses, 1796 went into foreclosure, which equals one in every 3014 homes going into foreclosure.

  9. Florida. 9,764, 897 housing units, with 3237 homes going into foreclosure. That equals one in ever 3017 homes going into foreclosure.

  10. Connecticut. 488 homes of the 1,527, 039 housing units. One in every 3219 households went into foreclosure.

  11. California. The most populous state in the country, California boasts 14, 328, 539 housing units and 4030 homes going into foreclosure. That equates to one in every 3555 homes going into foreclosure.

  12. Texas. 3170 homes in foreclosure in the month of October. 11,433,880 housing unit meaning one in every 3607 homes went into foreclosure.

  13. Michigan. One in every 3777 homes went into foreclosure, Michigan has 4,566,504 housing units, with 1209 foreclosure filings.

  14. Georgia. 4,375, 039 housing units, 1126 homes were foreclosed on. That equates to one in every 3885 homes in foreclosure.

  15. New York. 8,449,178 housing units. One in every 3989 homes were foreclosed on.

  16. Alabama. 2,278,526 houses, 569 fell into foreclosure. Thats one in every 4004 homes.

  17. Pennsylvania. 5,728,788 housing units, 1421 homes fell into foreclosure. Thats one in every 4032 households.

  18. Oklahoma. 1,741,721 housing units, OK saw 423 homes fall into foreclosure, resulting in one out of every 4118 households falling prey to foreclosure.

  19. Iowa. 1,407,100 housing units, the state held 321 foreclosure filings, equating to one in every 4383 households falling victim to foreclosure.

  20. North Carolina. 4,673,933 housing units, 1031 homes went into foreclosure, resulting in one out of every 4533 households falling victim to foreclosure.

  21. Utah. 1,133,558 housing units. 231 homes foreclosed on. One out every 4907 households.

  22. Massachusetts. 2,9179,634 housing units, 594 went into foreclosure. One out of every 5016 homes.

  23. Wyoming. 271,818 housing units, 594 went into foreclosure. One out of every 5129 households.

  24. Hawaii. 556,937 housing units, 102 went into foreclosure. One out every 5460 households.

  25. Louisiana. 2,066,323 housing units, 371 going into foreclosure. One out of every 5570 households.

These are just the top 25 states out of all of our states. A glimpse into families facing homelessness, drowning in debt, and their children's futures altered permanently. We do not discuss the mental and physical effects that losing your home, being unable to keep your family safe from these financial institutions, predatory lenders, or greed. But, the negative impacts from facing foreclosure and homelessness are far more severe than we choose to accept.

I think for too long we have been allowed to convince ourselves that these are families who tried to live outside of their means, who maybe bought too much house (more than they could actually afford), and now are finding themselves struggling, or maybe just maybe you have managed to believe the news stories and social groups you run with, and actually believe that these are people who just wanted to run up debt so that they could get others to pay for their lifestyles. The sad reality my friends is, that the majority of these families are in fact hard working Americans who during the pandemic, were either put automatically on the pandemic forbearance program under the promise that doing so will ease some of the struggling so many families at the time faced, or werent informed that in going on the forbearance, they would face the cruel and damn right criminal gross lack of options and help to handle these payments if they went on it.

Many of these families are veteran families, with VA home loans, and have now faced the grim reality as my family did, that going on these pandemic pauses in payments, buried us beneath even more stress, more worries, and put us on a nearly 1k dollar a month increase on our mortgage. Pre pandemic, we were already fighting to get our home out of foreclosure, facing not one but two lenders who proved to be non helpful nor supportive in helping us stay housed, but before the forbearance we were behind by just over 70k in payments. The pandemic forbearance added an additional 30k in missed payments, and proved beyond all doubt that VA home loans were and are still NOT being treated as all the other government backed loans.

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