Since it's first minutes from thought and idea,, into purchasing the domain and starting to blog and share updates on both Facebook and Instagram, through now. The purpose, mission and objective of KOVH has remained the same. To serve as an unbiased and united platform and awareness movement, to raise awareness to, resources for, and support of veterans and their families who own their homes and are either under direct threat of OR have already endured or about to travel down the hellish path known as foreclosure. I began this movement, here in the state of California, shortly after my family was thrown into the dark and horrific void if foreclosure ourselves and quickly realized that even with all of the flying American flags and groups and accounts that boast the #IGY6 and #VeteranLivesMatter tags, really aren't aware of all of the nightmares that too many veterans and their families now face.
The plan, from the beginning, was to dedicate and invest my time and energy into writing, talking, emailing, calling and sharing not only my family's ongoing battle to avoid homelessness, but the giant holes in a system that has for as long as I can remember, prided itself on the importance of respecting and caring for our veterans. These holes i refer to, as most know by now, are the regulations and lacking legislation to protect veteran homeowners from losing their homes and ending up on our city streets or worse yet. Part of the over #48livesaday lost to veteran suicide. While in no way am I claiming that veteran foreclosures are causing our rising veteran suicide rate, but there is new evidence and research to show that mental health and financial distress greatly contribute to the statistics. It is not difficult to imagine how horrible and defeating it is to have served the very country that continues to ignore, downplay, or lessen the severity of home loss and being unable to keep your families safe and housed can further aggravate or worsen mental health problems. Financial, marital, employment, medical, mental and access to support resources and programs all are mega contributors to our mental, financial and physical well being. So you don't have to possess a phd in anything to understand how easily we can connect the lack of access, affordability, options and support can create additional abuse and harm to our patriot families.
I have always made clear, as my family continues to fight for justice, truth, and our right to stay housed that KOVH isnt a cute sounding brand for merch and handmade items, isn't a fundraiser platform, doesnt deal with any issues outside of veteran home foreclosures and the necessary and urgent need for people who claim so often to support veterans, to stand up and help fight for the right of our vets and their families to be able to work, raise their families, pay their bills, and stay housed. This was always the obejctive, to carry out national awareness campaigns, to inspire supporters and fellow veteran families to create state chapters of KOVH, so that I wasnt having to research and spend my days scouring updates and changes to the various local and state policies, laws and regulations for veteran housing and foreclosures in every state. TO start, carry out, and spread an inspiring petition online and offline that "We the People" can present to our various government officials on state and federal levels and demand regulatory and legislation changes. I had hoped by now that countrywide events and public talk events would be underway, and by now that the media across the board would have to cover the movement and stories. But, I have failed which means that i have and still am failing the hundreds of thousands of families who are relying on these things to be carried out now.
I made a promise to go live every day, making things to inspire others, to share updates and info, to be a voice for all of these families who through now haven't had support or voices. I intend to keep that promise. KOVH Radio will launch soon, offering new opportunities for national exposure and sponsorships to help generate the revenue we need to ensure that KOVH can self fun its monthly expenses (website, domain, materials for merch and awareness campaigns, events and gatherings) with the hopes that if enough monthly "Angel memberships" or sponsors are secured, I can move to the next phase of this movement...Officially today, I announce the intent to establish the KOVH 501c3 Foundation which once we have raised the 600.00 to cover the IRS's mandatory user fee while filing the full 1023 application for tax exemption. It is only through the foundation that moving forward, all fundraisers for veteran families in or about to enter into foreclosure, will be carried out. The only fundraisers that the KOVH tiktok accounts will carry out from today forward, will be to raise money to help KOVH continue its fight to raise awareness, cover website and domain expenses, host holiday and special events that directly benefit fully vetted veterans and their families throughout the year, and the various other expenses associated with the campaign to stop all veteran foreclosures and keep our veterans housed. Marketing materials, awareness merch, and the funds to attend various national halls and conferences is vital to forcing much needed and necessary regulatory change.
If you are interested in starting an awareness platform for your state, please send an inquiry to KOVH needs boots on the ground in every city and every state across the country, and while there is no pay, the importance of this movement is worth more to the families who need this country to actually give a damn is worth more than ny amount of money. IN addition, we will soon have available a motivational calendar (veteran family themed) as well as new merch that includes #Vetwifelife4life merch and more. There's a lot to do, a lot to get done, and none of this will be ossible without your continued support.